Mexican New Peso (MXN)
Forex quote USDMXN chart
ECB reference rate EUR/MXN
European Central Bank (ECB)ECB reference rate EURMXN
- Euro EUR to Mexican Peso (MXN)
2.15 p.m. CET; 3.15 p.m. CEST (1 July 2016 at around 16:00 CET)
Latest, Change, Minimum, Maximum, Reference rates
over last four months, Current quotes, historical rates;
FX realtime USDMXN | currency converter
Investing.comFX Rates, Converter
- FX USD/MXN Exchange Rates - Realtime - Currency Converter
FX Markets & Reference Rates
St. Louis FedMexican New Pesos to One U.S. Dollar
- Foreign Exchange Rate: MXN to USD
Noon buying rate in New York City for cable transfers, daily Update - Mexican New Pesos to one U.S. Dollar
- Real Effective Exchange Rate Based on Consumer Price Index for Mexico
Banco de MexicoReal Exchange Rate
- Foreign exchange rates
Historical and current chart; Peso referance rate - Real effective exchange rate (REER)
Pesos´s Real Exchange Rate Index P
Federal Reserve Bank of St. LouisDaily Rates MXN to USD
- Foreign Exchange Rate: MXN to USD
With US recession dates in graph
x-rates.comExchange Rates
International Monetary Fund (IMF)SDR, IMF Exchange Rates MXN / USD
- IMF Representative Rates USD, SDRs
Representative Rates, SDRs per Currency unit, Currency units per SDR
International Reserves
Banco de MexicoForeign Exchange Reserves
- Reserve Balance
Summarized Balance Sheet of Banco de MĂŠxico:
Assets: International Reserves, Securities,
Credit to Financial Intermediaries & Debtor Repurchase Agreements, Credit to public sector agencies;
Net Liabilities and capital: IMF, Monetary Base, Monetary Regulation Deposits,
Other Financial Intermediaries Deposits & Creditor Repurchase Agreements,
Other Liabilities and Capital
- International Reserves
Finance - International reserves minus gold: total (millions of US dollars end of period)
Money Supply
UNdataMoney Supply
- Money supply
Finance - Money supply: broad money liabilities (billion national currency units end of period)